Like people, horses can suffer from back, neck and musculoskeletal pain and can benefit from having McTimoney treatment.
When to get your horse treated: Most owners will notice a change in behaviour and notice signs of pain and discomfort. As a guide you should consider seeking treatment if your horse displays any of the following signs: • Following an injury (a slip, fall, kick) or has symptoms, such as a sore or sensitive back • Striking off incorrectly in canter • Signs of discomfort when being groomed on their backs • Cold backed and discomfort when being girthed up • A reluctance to move forward • Stiffness or pain after exercise • Stiffness on one rein or a poor outline • Bucking, rearing and napping • Loss of performance when competing or training • An uncharacteristic change in temperament or behaviour that might be pain induced (bucking, rearing, anxiety when saddled or ridden, refusing to jump). • Signs of discomfort or pain after an accident – where alternative causes have been ruled out. If in doubt, phone me and ask. Don't forget to check with your vet before arranging treatment.
Misalignments can be caused by: • Badly fitting tack • Trauma such as a kick or fall, becoming cast in the stable • Compensation, for example an elderly horse who is slightly stiff, might walk differently and end up with a back pain as a consequence • Competing on slippery surfaces, performing tight turns and jumping twisting courses • Conformational defects such as a long back
What can you do to help: • Check that your tack fits properly and if necessary consult with a professional saddle fitter for advice • Ensure that you are riding level and balanced • Ensure you get your horse’s teeth checked regularly by your vet or a qualified equine dentist • Check his feet are properly balanced and shod • Ascertain if your exercise regime too hard for his level of fitness
What sort of horses benefit from treatment? Any horse can benefit. Treatment is particularly effective for horses working and competing on a regular basis. A four to six-monthly "MOT" will keep your horse supple and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. Full benefits of the treatment will be given during the consultation with you and your horse.
What does the McTimoney Treatment involve? A full case history is taken ascertaining details of any previous problems (some could be related to the condition of the back). You will be asked to sign a consent form stating that you have gained veterinary approval for treatment (this is normally just a phone call to your vet telling what you are having done).
The horses’ movement will be assessed, in straight lines, in circles and moving backwards. Occasionally you will be asked to ride to enable a better assessment of the complaint. An assessment of the musculoskeletal system then follows, focusing on the spine, pelvis, poll and other relevant joints. The treatment is relatively gently and aims to restore and maintain health, soundness and performance.
Before any treatment takes place you need to consult your veterinary surgeon as it is illegal for a non-veterinary practitioner to treat an animal without approval. Most veterinary surgeons will happily give their permission
How long will my horse be off work after treatment? Usually no more than a day or two with a few days gradually building up to full work. You should not jump your horse for a week or so particularly if the pelvis has been adjusted. Kate will advise you as to the best regime when she treats your horse.
Please DO NOT arrange a treatment immediately before a competition or a day’s hunting.
How many treatments will be needed? Usually one to two treatments will suffice for you to see and feel an improvement. Routine checkups as maintenance are reccomended.
To book a treatment, call Kate today on 07816 821 863