Welcome to Human, Horse and Hound the website of Kate Cox, McTimoney Animal Practitioner and Human Massage Therapist.
Kate has years of McTimoney and massage experience and has been working with animals all her professional life. Kate welcomes you to look around the site, and for you to get in touch with questions or to book a treatment. Kate is based near Loughborough and works throughout Leicestershire and the East Midlands. Click here to contact Kate.
This site offers you an opportunity to learn more about the practice of McTimoney Kate delivers and to learn about its practical, health and holistic benefits for horses and dogs alike. Click here to learn more about McTimoney.
Always use a qualified practitioner (A minimum of a degree in a related subject plus a 2 year post graduate qualification is standard - do not be afraid to ask or challenge). Only therapists with recognised qualifications will be able to get insurance - It is worth checking.
"I hope you find my website informative and helpful, give me a call to book an appointment or for more information, I am here to help." Kate Cox PG Dip AM, BSc (Hons) ESS, PGCE, Dip RM (MSM)